We love to highlight our teachers and students, and today we are taking a look at one of our schools in Texas. William Rodriguez is the CTE Chair and Digital Imaging and Animation Professor at Manor Independent School District in Manor and is heading into his second year using CTeLearning’s
William’s students enjoy using our Animation curriculum that features engaging tutorials and provides students with an inside look at animation careers. The course features interviews with real animators, including from block buster movies. William’s students have the opportunity to earn international industry-recognized Animation certifications from Web Professionals Global, the professional association for all those who work on the web.
We chatted with William to hear more about his first year working with us and what he is looking forward to in the 23-24 school year. Stay tuned later this year for an article with insights from some of William’s students about how they are enjoying the Animation course.
You ran your first group of students through the Animation course in Spring 2023. How was that experience?
Wow. That experience was really a heck of a gauntlet run, honestly. We’d been on the hunt for a certification house to challenge the animators I had been teaching for years. We were approved by the district and I presented the program to my animators in the final two months of the school year! They were hesitant at first, but when they realized that it was all of the concepts and techniques I’d already taught them, they relented to give it a go. They were wrapped up in the storytelling and finer points of the lessons when the end of the school year finally caught up with them. The animators who finished the program were so proud of their accomplishments that they were the first to help relaunch our animation club the following year.
What did you find different or surprising about the CTeLearning curriculum?
When I first logged in, I was surprised to see that the project-based learning (PBL) curriculum was being used. Our campus is a 100% PBL/PrBL school, so to see the model put to use on a level that was accessible to many more schools was highly encouraging.
How did your students react when they found out they had earned their industry credentials?
My animators were elated when they’d received their credentials. I printed their certificates on high-gloss card-stock for them to frame. As an added bonus, I promised them that I’d give any of my animators who received their credentials a first shot at the internships offered by some of our area studios and true to my word, we got them placed!
Did you hear back from parents about their kids getting their industry-recognized certifications for web animation?
I haven’t heard back from any of the parents, yet, but after one of my animators assured me that he would be applying for Savannah College of Design, Ringling College of Art and Design, and any other school with an animation program, I’m sure to hear something back from his parents. He’ll be the first to continue education past high school in his family.
Before you became a teacher, you were in the animation industry. What do you like about the Learn and Earn approach and partnership with Web Professionals Global?
I found the ties into authentic experiences as seen through the lens of professionals to be refreshing. Embedding interviews from industry representatives was a great way to expose young scholars to the perspectives of those who are actually utilizing what’s being taught in the course.
Why do you think this approach to certifications is better than the model that teaches for a test?
Absolutely! The certification requirements are infused in the curriculum, allowing the students to earn certifications by completing their work and not being subjected to a high-stakes exam. The way the certifications exemplify the process of animation is brilliant! Teaching scholars how to test doesn’t give them the opportunity to build meaningful and vital portfolios, which any competent animator knows is the lifeblood of their career.
Why do you love to teach animation?
I have strived to create the classes I wish I had when I was in high school (many, many moons ago) and I have been very impressed with how closely Web Professionals Global has aligned with my own teaching model and philosophy. PBL is designed to answer the “why” before the scholars can ask it. As an educator, I thoroughly appreciate how the knowledge checks are hidden in the lessons. I feel like the key history of animation is a bit sparse, but that’s probably more of a personal preference.
What is your favorite animated movie or animated series? Why?
Few features can captivate me the way Don Bluth’s film, The Secret of NIMH, has for most of my life. The fluid movement of the lip sync sequences and the character designs just inundated my imagination and spurred me further into my determination to animate in my adult life.
Interested in learning more about our Animation course or other courses? Contact our lead developer, Steve Waddell, today at 913-764-4272 or hello@ctelearning.com to schedule your free 20-minute demo.
Special Note for Texas Schools:
This certification can be found on the 2022-24 Industry-Based Certification (IBC) List for Public School Accountability list where we find the Web Animator certification.
IBC Code: 967
IBC Title: Certified Web Animator
Certifying Entity Name: WebProfessionalsGlobal.org (previously known as WebProfessionals.org)
More information on the certification
Read more about our schools using the Animation course in Colorado and Wisconsin.
You can book a demo directly using Calendly, call us directly at 913-764-4272 or 877-828-1216, or submit the form and we will reach out to you.
We look forward to helping you and your students.
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